
Hi, my name is Hannah J. Kissinger! I am an interdisciplinary data analyst who loves a good data mystery. I currently work at Yale University as a Program Coordinator in the Office of Development. My background in business strategy, organizational learning, business intelligence software, analytics, and scientific methods grant me a unique perspective when revamping business processes for modern-day challenges.

Rather than reinventing the wheel, I develop business intelligence tools from common software, such as Microsoft Excel, PowerBI, and Windows PowerShell. I aim to make tools tailored to specific business problems, replicable, and accessible for all skill levels.

To create these solutions, I collect information from key stakeholders and then develop the solution with UX design thinking methods. Sometimes this means filling up an entire whiteboard or making colorful sticky-note decision trees! I then develop the business intelligence tool and its standard operating procedure (SOP) jointly, to ensure the replicability. These SOPs detail the process in textual, diagrammatic, and pictorial formats to improve organizational learning outcomes for all skill levels.

My personal wish is to have my projects endure and grow to fit others' needs. So let's collaborate!

Degrees & Specializations:

  • Quinnipiac University, BS & MHS: Biomedical Science | Medical Laboratory Science
  • University of North Dakota, MBA: Business Analytics

Data Analyst Toolkit:

  • Programming Languages: PowerShell/Bash, R, SQL
  • Tools: Microsoft Office 365, Blackbaud CRM, PowerBI/Tableau/SAS Visual Analytics, Qualtrics, Workday, Canva, RStudio, BigQuery
  • Certifications: Google Analytics Certificate, Learning Linux for LFCA Certification, Intuit Academy Bookkeeping Specialization, SAS Visual Business Analytics Specialization, Learn with Workday, Strategic Management and Innovation Specialization


Data processing. Picture of dust pan hanging on a wall. Photo by Jan Kopriva on Unsplash.

Data Processing

Dirty data begone! Messy data gets in the way of powerful insights. To prep for analysis, I clean data using R, SQL, Spreadsheets, Excel, and SAS Data Studio.

Data Analytics. Picture of Mac computer on table. Photo by Dawid Liberadzki on Unsplash.

Data Analytics

I employ a wide range of analytical techniques to unravel data mysteries. These hidden patterns, problems, and solutions are revealed through exploratory, statistical, time-series, and regression analyses.

Data Visualization. Picture of six carnations lined up as a bar graph. Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash.

Data Visualization

Through the art of visualization, analyzed data becomes actionable knowledge for stakeholders. I produce visualizations using R, Spreadsheets, Excel, Tableau, and SAS Visual Analytics.

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